KTS Solutions, Inc. provides a wide variety of non-emergency medical transportation including Wheelchair Equipped Transportation Services, Ambulatory Services, Stretcher Services, Shuttle Services, and Sedan Services.
Transportation Services
Wheelchair Equipped Transportation Services
We provide safe and reliable non-emergency door-to-door services for clients in need of wheelchair accessible transportation. Our drivers are trained specifically in understanding and assisting clients with wheelchair needs.
We also provide wheelchairs to clients in need upon request.
Ambulatory Transportation Services
Are you able to walk independently, or do you use a cane or walker? Are you independent but unable to drive?
At KTS Solutions, our drivers pick up and assist our clients from their home into the van and escort our clients directly to their destination and back.
Our drivers are caring, professional and sensitive to all of our clients' needs and go above and beyond their duties to make sure all of our transports are exceptional.
Stretcher Transportation Services
We provide safe and reliable non-emergency medical transportation services for clients who require transportation by stretcher to and from hospitals visits, long-term care centers, retirement homes, rehabilitation centers, and doctor's appointments.
Shuttle Services
Our passenger transport shuttles and specialty vehicles are clean and well equipped to meet our client's needs. Our drivers assist client's with entering and exiting the vehicle to ensure safety and comfort.
With our enhanced fleet of vehicles, we are able to provide transportation to and from area airports, hospitals, dialysis centers, and doctors' office visits, as well as occupational and physical therapy treatments with our Shuttle Services.
Need Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services for any of the following?
Doctor Appointments
Physical Therapy
Dialysis Treatment
Outpatient Surgery
Treatment Centers
Airport Pick-Up/Drop-Off
Prescription Drug Pick-Up
Dental Appointments
Optometrist Visits
Hospital Checkout
Emergency Room Pick Up
Long Distance Transportation
Our motto is "Treat your patient like you would treat a loved one." A compassionate driver makes for a pleasant and comfortable transport experience.
Our on-board staff is knowledgeable, highly skilled and are CPR certified. Our drivers undergo continuous safety training and all KTS vehicles are equipped with a dual camera system to ensure both road and client safety at all times.
We provide reliable and efficient services to our clients 24/7 to ensure on-time transportation. Utilizing cutting-edge software, we are able to leverage advanced technology to provide superior service to our clients.